Athletes and Dancers

Ash assisting a professional athlete through their pilates exercise

When you train as hard as dancers and athletes have to, to be at the top of your game all the time, you’re bound to develop niggles and pains that you have to work around.

You are also at higher risk of fatigue related injuries due to the continuous nature of challenging yourself. Plus chances are that you don’t feel able to rest as much as your body requires to heal, so you develop incredible compensations that still facilitate your performance - but in the long run, it’s likely to catch up with you, and become a bigger problem.

Pilates has been a growing asset in all high-level movers tool kits for several years now, for it’s ability to create intelligent movement options, easily modifiable load, and develop strength through full range movements. It’s no surprise that all professional sport bodies have some level of Pilates equipment in their training grounds, and the one’s that don’t often outsource their team or specific players to trusted practitioners.

Both Ash & Rob have worked with elite level movers over extended periods of time, assisting in their performance improvements but also supporting them with recovery, injury maintenance, and creating a safe space to unwind their body and mind. We have worked with coaches, managers and directors to ensure we fit in with an existing training regime, but also have the confidence to advocate for our athletes when we feel things aren’t in their best interests.

If you’re looking for someone to assist in your athletic journey, then touch base below and we’ll see if we’re the right fit for you.