Breathe And Move Better By Unlocking The Power Of Nasal Breathing
Breathing is automatic, but how you breathe changes everything. If you’re breathing through your mouth, you might be unknowingly impacting your posture, movement quality, and overall well-being. Nasal breathing isn’t just about oxygen intake; it’s a fundamental piece of the puzzle for better health, stronger movement, and even proper facial structure.
Fixing Your Posture Pt. 2: 5 Exercises To Instantly Improve Your Posture And Strength
As discussed in our previous article, the idea of having good posture isn’t as simple as sitting up straight. Any posture or position held for prolonged periods can become problematic. In recent years, statements such as “Sitting is the new smoking” have been used to encourage people to avoid staying in chairs for extended periods. In reality, standing for prolonged periods is no better than sitting. A more accurate saying might be, “Your best posture is your next posture,” emphasizing the importance of movement rather than forcing yourself to remain in an “ideal” posture.
Smart watches and exercise - is it really so smart?
Recently I’ve come to realise something. Once I explore the logic, it makes total sense, but for the longest time I’d never really explored it. It’s the potential that having our technologically impressive smart watches and Fitbits attached to us 24/7 might not be as harmless as their manufacturers make it out to be. And here’s why...
They’re making us weak…
When someone sees me for a Functional Neurology session, I always do a lot of manual muscle testing - the reason being it allows me to easily show someone which muscle areas are functioning well under load, and which are struggle or simply aren’t firing at all.
Functional Neurology
After the huge success the 2018 AMN Academy Mastermind retreat was, Rob quickly signed up for the next retreat, this time held in Ubud, Bali. Rob knew whatever was covered would be really helpful for functional neurology treatment sessions at Movementality, and it was also a fantastic opportunity to hang out and work with some of the best practitioners in the world. This group of practitioners are always helping people with all sorts of ailments that would otherwise be left in the ‘too-hard’ basket by most health practitioners - insomnia, scoliosis, autoimmune conditions, chronic pain etc… So what an opportunity to pick the brains of these incredible minds in hopes of better utilising the AMN system for helping our clients move better, and reduce strain on their delicate physiological systems.