Private Health Insurance and Pilates
For the most part, Pilates is not covered by Private Health Insurance. This isn’t what a lot of people want to hear, and it is something that various agencies are working to change for the general public to better access these modalities that clearly improve health and wellbeing. You may find Allied Health businesses offer things like Group Exercise, Group Physio, Clinical Exercise etc, as a work-around to this rule - as they also aren’t allowed to refer to Pilates io offer rebates.
However, through Rob’s Sport Science background, and his registration with AusActive, you may find yourself eligible for some form of rebate - this depends on your fund, and your level of coverage.
We’d like to stress that this should not be a determining factor in whether you decide to participate in sessions with us or not - we’d prefer you consider our extensive training and experience of higher importance - but we understand that for some people, it is very important. So please read below to understand how it works, and to find out if you may be eligible.
Who may be eligible
AusActive has compiled a list of funds, and their requirements, for people to be eligible for a level of rebate from their insurer. These funds currently are: BUPA, Medibank, Westfund, RT Health; with more in the works.
The criteria to qualify for rebates generally revolves around whether exercise would significantly improve a physical health issue, and require a referral letter from an allied health practitioner (GP, Physio, Osteo, Exercise Physiologist etc). It is slightly different for each fund, so please contact your fund directly to understand your requirements.
If approved, we can generate invoices after a series of sessions has been completed, with Rob’s provider number and other key details, of which you can submit to your fund for the rebate.
So not everyone will be able to access the rebates, but it is an option for some people. Again, as much as using your Private Health Insurance is important, we would not recommend using the level of rebate available to determine a service provider. We’d always first recommend to assess the practitioners’ experience, access to sessions (location, times, cost per session), and overall cost over a 12 month period (once rebates run out) to determine your best value option.