Your Shoes Are Slowly Ruining Your Feet and What You Can Do to Fix It
Your feet are the foundation of every movement you make. Yet, for decades, conventional footwear has shaped them in ways that compromise their function. Cushioned soles, narrow toe boxes, and elevated heels may feel comfortable at first, but they subtly alter your body's mechanics—leading to imbalances, compensations, and eventually, pain. We often blame our genetics - but a small look into the field of epigenetics will tell you that your DNA is just a blueprint, and it’s your environment that will ultimately determine whether genetic weakness comes to fruition.
Essential Requirements for a health lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle - what the heck is it?!
Well Sam and I gave you some ideas last year, but it really changes depending on who you ask. Which also makes it a very confusing topic to delve in to for anyone interested in 'cleaning up' their health. And seeing as how we are running a business which is designed to help you with getting a better understanding of how your body works, I thought it might be helpful to share some information around the reasonably well recognized, but lesser known things you can be doing to help yourself.
Now this advice is certainly not aimed to be medical based advice and obviously speak to your medical practitioner before you start making any drastic life changes, and equally I'm really happy to discuss aspects of this information to help you better understand it.